Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Business in The Future

       I like business , so I choose that I will to study , and I choose that have another reason , because only business is easily for me , haha~~~~
      In my future , I think is so happy , because I choose business , so if I syudy busines , I do things I have many idea to do , have many idea to creative some can make us rich things .
    In my future , I want get very bast business woman , than have lots of money ,than I can buy many many I want things . so happy .hahaha`~~~~~~~

famous businesswan

            The name of the entrepreneur is Marion Gold .
            Her business is designing jewelries . She write articles about her various businesses , and give maketing workshops that generte sales of her books as well as her jewelry (which she always wear ) she also participate in as many networking functions as time pemits , but very selectively . Networking events are always followed  up with email contat which has generated a nice list of contacts , personally and professonally . she has learned as an entrepreneur .
            She initially thought that jewelry design will just be her hobby ,but the jewelries she created proved to be sallable Moonbeams .
           She start her jewelry design business , and the challenges she's currently facing .